Chemical compound and disease context of CD55
CD55, a widely-distributed phosphatidyl inositol-anchored protein, was added frequently absent in NHL beef than in added types of hematological malignancies .
The above accumulation includes the sucrose hemolysis analysis for screening and Ham's acerbic hemolysis analysis for confirmation; the closing accumulation includes FCM analyses of CD55 and CD59, which accept afresh replaced Ham's test, and FCM altitude of specific GPI-anchor bounden application fluorescent-labeled abeyant adulteration aerolysin (FLAER) .
We advised whether acknowledgment of animal umbilical attitude endothelial beef (HUVECs) to hypoxia and/or reoxygenation activates accompaniment and decreases HUVEC-surface announcement of the C3 authoritative proteins CD46 and CD55 .
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria is an acquired clonal amplification of cartilage bottom axis beef that are amiss in the decay-accelerating factor, which is a accompaniment authoritative glycoprotein (CD55), as able-bodied as in the film inhibitor of acknowledging lysis (CD59) and the C8-binding protein .
Prostaglandin E2 regulates the accompaniment inhibitor CD55/decay-accelerating agency in colorectal cancer.