Homocysteine Women’s Health

There are assertive implications of accepting animated homocysteine that are accurately accordant for women. Animated homocysteine levels accept been empiric added frequently a part of women with assertive abundance complications, including preeclampsia (elevated claret burden that can advance to alarming consequences), placental abruption (where the placenta detaches from the uterus), alternate abundance loss, and giving bearing to a small, low-birth-weight babyish (called intrauterine advance restriction).7 However, medical analysis suggests that animated homocysteine levels may be a aftereffect of these complications, rather than the cause. 
Hyperhomocysteinemia is empiric added frequently a part of women who accept a adolescent with a neural tube birthmark (an aberancy of the fetal back or brain). Neural tube defects cover spina bifida (an aperture in the fetal spine) and anencephaly (a astringent bearing birthmark in which the academician and skull do not anatomy properly). Approximately 20% of women who accept a adolescent with a neural tube birthmark accept aberrant homocysteine metabolism.